Single Accounts

Single Accounts

Issue digital records that recipient owned, vendor independent, and instantly verifiable anywhere in the world.
Introductory Premium
Verified Digital Signature N N
Host your own records at a custom domain N N
Data-rich template designer N N
Custom metadata N N
Custom email notifications for recipients N N
Digital certificates N N
ID cards (coming soon) N
Transcripts (coming soon) N
Blockcerts batch issuing events per year 60 120
Badge issuing events per year Unlimited Unlimited
Recipient profiles (coming soon) N N
Analytics dashboard N N
Search and complex filtering N N
Branded verification pages N N
API for import (coming soon) N
Administrators Unlimited Unlimited
Vendor-independent records verification N N
Free records verification N N
Lifelong credential ownership N N
Other Benefits
Premium support 30 hours Ongoing
Recipient SSO N
Free recipient mobile app N N

Frequently Asked Questions

How many credentials can be issued per batch? And how many batches do we get in a year?

Each batch of credentials you issue may include up to 2,000 recipients. An Introductory Plan includes 60 batch issuances per year (up to 120,000 records), while a Premium Plan includes 120 batch issuances per year (up to 240,000 records). Additional batches can also be purchased à la carte.

If we go with the Introductory Plan but want one of the other features, can we purchase that à la carte?

Yes. Each feature has a stand-alone price. Contact us to build the plan that is best for your organization.

Can credentials anchored to a blockchain expire, as is needed for many professional certifications?

Expiration dates can be set during credential issuance. After the expiration date passes, the verification process will show that the credential has expired. Credentials can also be revoked if a problem is discovered.

Who hosts the issued credentials?

Credentials are hosted by your organization and the recipients who receive them. Learning Machine does not host issued credentials.

What happens to issued credentials if we discontinue our account?

Issued credentials have no ongoing dependence on Learning Machine. These are permanent digital records that recipients can use anywhere, for a lifetime.

Does our organization have to set up a blockchain node or manage crypto currency?

No. Learning Machine makes it easy to anchor records to any blockchain of your choice and manages the transaction fees for you behind the scenes.

Do we need specialized people to use Learning Machine?

No. The Learning Machine Issuing System is a web-based application and can be used by anyone with basic administrative skills.

Do you do the workspace configuration or do we do the configuration ourselves?

Learning Machine configures customer issuing workspaces. We will, however, need a liaison in your IT department to work with during the setup process and on occasional account maintenance tasks.

How many people do we need to service our account?

You will need to identify a few account administrators who will help with different aspects of the setup and maintenance process.

How long does account configuration usually take?

About 30 days, but it can go faster.

Can private data be deleted forever?

Yes. If a recipient or issuer wants to remove a Blockcert, they can simply delete the file and take down the link. It is impossible to recover the certificate or any data from the blockchain.

“One of our primary motivations has been to empower students to be the curators of their own credentials. This system makes it possible for them to have ownership of their records and be able to share them in a secure way, with whomever they choose.”

Mary Callahan
MIT Registrar

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Digital Diplomas

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